I love to entertain and plan parties! This blog is a collection of photos and parties that I have hosted and decided to share with family and friends. Hopefully, you'll find something that inspires your next event or have a "new find" or party idea you would like to share.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Speedster/Raceway Party

My oldest son is all boy!  And what do big and little boys have in common?  They like fast toys...so a Speedster/Raceway party was the perfect theme!

The invitation had to be a race car, of course, and I found a neat die-cut invitation by Julia D. Azar which I was able to print myself and then tear off the perforated edges to shape the invitation.


The first activity was a Craft.  Tables were set up with wooden race cars, paints and decals (from Oriental Trading) for each guest to customize and take home.  The kids (and adults) enjoyed painting their hot rods!

This was the first party my husband was excited to get involved with.  He built a race track with lumber and taped racingng stripes on the course with a start and finish line.  A few orange racing cones and checkered flags, found at a party supply store, set the course.  The kids competed with remote control race cars. 

The winner walked away with the trophy!  However, I would suggest smaller trophies for ALL guests in lieu of 1 big trophy...there were a few tears at the end of the race!  Party City has a small 3 inch tropy that would be perfect for all participants.

We also had a Race Car Bean Bag Toss (Oriental Trading)...Winner with the most points won a Remote Control Car!

What else would you have for a birthday cake but the checkered flags...Simple - and the kids loved it!

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